combination of fantasy and myth in the short stories of jean marie gustav le clézio


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دانشگاه تهران ناهید شاهوردیانی

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the short story as a literary genre has always been of prime concern. studies carried out in this field as far as its literary development is concerned, directly reflects the significance of this genre, and conspicuously distinguishes it from others. french literature normally abandons literary boundaries thereby blurring the identity of genres. this style is most peculiar of jean marie gustave le clézio, a writer who does not consider himself as belonging to any nation or culture. he uses world literature as a valuable material and source for his writings. by using myth and fantasy in his short stories he gives it a new dimension. the present article aims to explore questions pertaining to the dimension and component of his work. a deep interpretation of this world literature in the narrative, mondo and other stories with a comparative outlook, is the most important aim of this article.

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